The Best Age To Start Preventative Botox Treatments

Best age to start preventative Botox

You’ve seen the results Botox has given friends and family, and you’re wondering if now is the best age for you to start getting preventative Botox treatments. If this sounds all-too-familiar, you’re not alone. At Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa, we perform Botox treatments for patients of all ages, each achieving stunning results.

Here’s why it’s rarely too early or too late to start preventative Botox treatments.

How Preventative Botox Works

Your muscles move when the nerves receive a transmission to the brain. As a result, the brain sends back a response telling the nerves how the muscles should move and react. Botox works by effectively blocking the muscle-nerve transmissions to the brain. As a result, the brain cannot respond, leaving the injected muscles paralyzed in the process. The injected muscles don’t contract, and this allows the wrinkles to relax and soften.

Preventative Botox is ideal for wrinkles that come from the constant contraction of muscles. These muscles are commonly called “the 11’s” between the brows, horizontal lines across the forehead, and crow’s feet. Botox can be a valuable tool for preventing these wrinkles from forming in the future because wrinkles result from the repetitive movement of the skin. Botox injections at an early age can keep wrinkles from happening in the first place, rather than attempting to erase already present wrinkle formations.

The Right Age To Start Injections Varies

While there isn’t a blanket-statement age for which patients may want to begin Botox injections, most experts can agree that the ideal age varies from person to person. Every patient uses their facial expressions differently. While some may use their forehead regularly with etched-in lines beginning to form in their 20’s, others rarely use their forehead at all. Genetics and the overall health of your skin are factors to take into consideration. The best time to start treatment is before lines begin to appear.

Wrinkles Won’t Appear Worse If You Stop Botox

Botox injections work by preventing wrinkles from etching more profoundly into your skin. As a result, using Botox means lines will be less severe if you decide to hit the pause button on your maintenance treatments. You can also stop and resume treatments for any reason without any adverse effects on your skin.

On average, Botox treatments last for about three months, so the commitment is minimal. That being said, once Botox patients see how smooth and fresh their skin looks after having treatments, it may be hard to watch those youthful results fade away. Every patient’s situation is different, and we’re always here to help you develop a treatment plan that works for your schedule and budget.

Treatments That Extend Botox Results

Botox can be combined with several other treatments to extend the results, including:


  • Ultrasonic Facials – One of our most popular facials, this treatment incorporates ultrasound to penetrate the epidermis. This assists topical products in reaching deeper layers, stimulating new skin cells and collagen growth. After your facial, you’ll notice increased elasticity across your skin and benefit from the renewed cell production. You’ll appreciate the youthful appearance this facial brings out.


  • Chemical Peels – Chemical peels are another excellent option that focuses on improving skin tone and texture alongside the wrinkle-fighting powers of Botox. Chemical peels are ideal for treating superficial wrinkles as the exfoliants in the peel remove the damaged outer layers of the skin.


  • Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Photofacials – Botox injections focus on reducing the appearance of deep-set wrinkles on the upper face. Laser treatments focus on the overall quality of your skin, stimulating the skin to begin producing collagen as a way of healing itself. IPL Photoafcials can be a great compliment to Botox by helping to treat the more delicate wrinkles that appear or other texture abnormalities of the skin.


  • Dermal Fillers – Botox and dermal fillers reduce the appearance of age-related lines and wrinkles; however, they work differently. Where Botox targets muscles, dermal fillers do just as their name implies. Dermal fillers are injected into or under the skin to fill lines and wrinkles while restoring facial structure and volume loss due to aging.

Prevention Is Key To Combat Against Wrinkles

Once unwanted lines and creases have become permanent, they become more challenging to minimize. Prevention is key to your combat against wrinkles, but Botox alone won’t prevent your skin from aging. It’s vital to protect your skin from the sun by applying sunscreen, wearing a hat when outside, and maintaining a balanced skincare routine.

Caring for your skin has more significant benefits than just slowing down the aging process. When used in combination with Botox, healthy skin will allow for Botox results to look better and last longer. Is it too late for preventative Botox? Call Radiance Skincare & Laser Medspa today to schedule your complimentary Botox consultation.